Christmas_tree_sxc_huSo, we are actually only seven days away from the big day; or seven more sleeps, if you’re of a childish demeanour. Either way, it has surely crept up on us this year. Though we won’t ever stop being one of those people who moans at the end of October that it’s too early to start stocking the shelves with Christmas ornaments. But it seems important With one more weekend to go before the big day, it’s strongly advised that you perhaps head to the shops one day after work. Now, before you say ‘we won’t have time!’ think it through. You’ve been at work, yes, but then you can be extra proud of yourself by getting two things done on the same day. And then, this weekend, you can stay in the comfort of your home without worrying about having to get up at the crack of dawn in order to get the last few bits that are on your list. You won’t get a parking space, you won’t end up in a queue that is less than fifteen minutes and you won’t get the right size. But if you go during the week, you might JUST make it. And then Bob, who we’ve come to understand is family, is your uncle.

The worst thing about Christmas, if you can believe we’ve narrowed it down to one thing, is the buying of presents for other people. With every intent filling our body to provide a very good gift, that will make the other laugh and praise us for our ingenious wit and amazing foresight, we know that this probably won’t happen. Whilst we’re confident that the presents we purchase won’t immediately end up on Ebay, there is always slight hesitation at this time of year. But much like all the nominees come Oscar time, it’s imperative that you practice YOUR loser face. There’s nothing worse than receiving a doozie gift, but it’s harsh on the giver if you’re looking like a smacked arse when you say ‘thanks’, through gritted teeth. Smile, say thank you, and think of the best descriptive way to sell.

Of course, we know that any of our clients would very much like a Christmas escort to spoil around the festive period, but surely that’s not something you could put on your Christmas list. If it is, then we certainly want to be part of your open-minded family. What more could you ask for this holiday?