Eyelash_extension_exampleWhilst some things in life are uncertain, there is actually a lot more reasoning behind why we dream what we dream than first realised. Of course there is no absolute certainty behind them, but each dream is completely unique to that particular individual. Many are fascinated by the involuntary succession of ideas, images, emotions and sensations that take place during particular stages of sleep. Believing it not be just humans who dream, scientists are starting to discover that the majority of mammals also dream. The duration of dreams differ dramatically, some lasting a few seconds, with others lasting half an hour. The nocturnal thoughts we have are for no-one else but us. The different things that we dream about can give some understanding to our daily lives; subconscious thoughts and feelings that we are not addressing. We can’t necessarily determine exactly what it is that makes us dream about what we do, but there are definitely things that we can pick up on. And it’s always interesting to learn why we dreamt about the family dog dressed up in a tuxedo, speaking in a thick Southern accent and serving us tea and pastries. Just us? Interesting…

Dreams are an incredibly healthy way of experimenting with your naughty side; perhaps you’ve been yearning for a sexy nurse or a flirty firelady? Whatever it is, the harmless fun we have in our minds when we’re getting our beauty sleep can lend itself to what we really want in our daily lives. And the blonde escorts in our galleries most certainly lend themselves to this. With experience comes need. So when you know how to do something, you want to do it again. This is the reason we replay old levels of games that we’ve already won, because we know what to expect and know we’re going to be good at it. We know that there is nothing more nerve-racking for a first-timer than imagining what it could be like when they first spend time with one of our sensational companions. So why not dream about it?

Everyone has had that dream, that really good one, where you wake up with the biggest smile on your face, feeling like you can take on the world. Imagine if you experienced that dream in real life, just how big your smile would be. We’re confident you wouldn’t be able to wipe it off for weeks. The physical attributes of our ladies are particularly enticing and know just what our clients love. So take the leap.