You Time > Sexual Health
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Revealed: What You Think About
A recent study indicated that as well as checking off your to-do list, making important phone-calls and photocopying documents, there is another regular activity that you guys do at work. We’ll let you have a think about that for a moment. When it comes to uncovering the truth, Glamour ... (read more)
Please Yourself
Set yourself free from the taboo of touching yourself and have a little menage a moi. That’s right, what better way to enjoy sensational sex then to start with loving yourself a little bit more. No longer do we, or should we, believe that masturbating is forbidden and will ... (read more)
Low Libido Worries
A low libido is linked to good health and longevity, or so it has been reported. Those in a monogamous relationship but are not sexually active are considered to be unfortunate. Low libido in relationships are surprising common with men as well a women. If within your everyday life together ... (read more)
Check Your Sexual Health
Sexually transmitted diseases are rapidly increasing amongst our promiscuous population. The only way to be sure that you are not carrying an infectious disease is to go and get checked out. We all go the doctors to have check ups routinely, whether we need to or not. A sniffle here ... (read more)
Relax, Don’t Do It...
It’s a common fact that women worry, arguably more than men do. But there is a hidden problem which concerns 1 in 3 men - premature ejaculation. Picture this: you are out with a beautiful girl, maybe someone as sexy as a London escorts. That point in the evening has ... (read more)