I must say I really appreciate the fact that there are beautiful female escorts available all over London. My life had changed completely after I found out about the service a few months ago. I was the type of person who couldn't stand being alone. Especially after a long day at work with all the stress and workload, I hated coming back to my empty flat, being all by myself. 

One day a friend of mine told me about these gorgeous escorts he met during the week, and how much fun they were. I was surprised to find out that there was such a service available in London! I know, call me naive, but it never occurred to me that I could easily pay someone for companionship. It may seem like a strange concept to some people, but after I had established how easy and convenient it was, there was no going back. Basically there were hundreds of lovely girls who were free to spend time with me, so why not! I could pick anyone, and with a small price, I had bought myself a 'temporary girlfriend', with no strings attached. 

Apart from the fee (which I saw as a form of appreciation so she could go and buy herself some nice clothes and shoes), I also paid all girls my full level of respect. I treated them really well with consideration and generosity, and in return they were all lovely and attentive and we would always have a great time together. 

I am just an ordinary guy, a nice English gentleman who has a well paid job and no time to meet girls. With all the money sitting in my bank account but no one to share it with, nice london escort works perfectly for me.

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