I have finally found someone who can keep pace with my quirky style – she enjoys the same sort of things as me! I feel free with her, like I can say anything to her. I am really pleased to have finally found someone like that in my life. My friends have met her a few times, we went out on group dates! She was pretty good company too. This one time she was wearing this incredibly sexy outfit and I could tell my friends were jealous. I could see them eying her up and looking at her breasts through her sheer blouse. It was quite erotic! She has a great sense of humour and no one even picked she was a London escort. My friends still ask about my “girlfriend” to this day! They have no idea! Then afterward we went back to the hotel and had some real fun together. She makes me feel so relaxed, that I’m not afraid to tell her what I’m thinking. I had heard about some of the things that she and I did, but never actually tried them until that night. It was an evening of thrill and titillation and we took our time, fooling about until the sun came up! Can you believe it?
I don’t really have much time for any other London escort, because this girl does it for me every time. Sometimes when I’m at work at the law firm I get a little thrill remembering our antics. She is a special lady, that one – the perfect London escort in my book!