Friday the 13th - The Urban Legend Jan. 13, 2012, 12:46 p.m.

The urban legend of Friday 13th is strife today. There will be people across the country, perhaps the world, avoiding today like the plague. Whether you take it at face value or consider it nothing more than myth, the question is where did it all begin? No-one can say for sure what the association is with misfortune and the number 13, but it evidently exists. Those with superstitious beliefs are perhaps the ones more likely to have kept this myth alive. Throughout time this fable has developed and elaborated leading to many people intending to trace it’s origins. Although many people do treat the day with a healthy amount of skepticism. London escorts agree, if you follow every superstition like it is gospel, then you are going to live a very sheltered and cautious life. It has been proposed that the fear of the number 13, stemming from more primitive times, has evolved throughout time into this irrational fear that it is unlucky. This has too been the same for Fridays, being known as ‘Bad Friday’ by some. However, this idea hasn’t stuck and is only considered as being unlucky when connected to the number thirteen. For many, Friday holds no misfortune at all. Friday is the day that a lot of people look forward too. It is the last day of the working week, allowing for a weekend of respite.

When looking at the amount of folk-superstition, there is little in the way that documents the real reason for the ‘Friday the 13th’ legend. Just like a bad game of Chinese whispers, this myth has been exaggerated over time. With the belief that Fridays were unlucky and the same with the number 13, the two combined were meant to symbolise the unluckiest of days. If this is the case, and throughout time we have been guilty of perpetuating a misnomer then perhaps damage has been done to those with highly superstitious beliefs. Combine this with the belief of all the other myths and superstitions that may occur on this day as well and those that believe are said to have had the unluckiest day of all. These people are afflicted with an irrational fear of Friday the 13th, this is known as Paraskevidekatriaphobics.

Whether you are a firm follower of these traditions or not, there are much better things to be doing on this fine Friday. Don’t spend your day hibernating, avoiding the misfortunes that you could encounter and enjoy yourself. There are many ways in which to do so, but first and foremost, disregard this pessimistic myth. Escorts in London believe if you set yourself up for a fall, then the likelihood is, that your day will not turn out so well, because of your frame of mind. An optimistic mood is more likely to open up greater opportunities and fortune. It’s Friday, and whatever the day suggests, perhaps you should consider making your own luck and happiness. If you bag yourself a date with a gorgeous London escort tonight, we’d count that a very lucky thing indeed. The girls at Chic are very popular, so to avoid disappointment and misfortune, pick a lady and get dialling. She could be just the thing to make your day fortuitous and enjoyable.