Overindulging this Festive Season Dec. 2, 2011, 5:05 p.m.

Ah, Christmas. The season of mince pies, Christmas cake, pudding, roast potatoes and naughty treats. With all these tempting festive indulgences it is difficult to keep to a healthy eating plan. If you’re not careful then you can end up piling on the pounds. If you’re a fitness fanatic like some of the London escorts at Chic, then you are probably used to heading out for a morning run or a trip to the gym. This exercise routine is important to adhere to on a normal basis, but when the winter months roll in, it can be difficult to find time and energy to continue with it. Don’t fall in to a bad patch and throw your routine out the window, find a new one. Committing diet debauchery and abandoning your fitness regime at the first sight of a cinnamon dusted mince pie is all too tempting, but it can be avoided. Mammoth TV marathons may seem appealing, but how many times can you watch Miracle on 34th Street? It’s all about prioritising. Is it more important to watch as much festive telly as possible or say hello to a new year looking fit, not fat? All you need to make this happen is forward planning and enough self-discipline to see something through. It is all too common for people to fall into a slippery slope and ditch the exercise all together. Sure, Christmas is all about enjoying yourself, but if you throw caution to wind and indulge in all the decedent foods then you are liable to regret it. You may consider there is no point starting till the new year, however if you keep the balance of food intake and exercise, come the new year you’ll be more keen and motivated to continue with your new years resolution.

With the Christmas period comes a barrage of stress and little time to think. However, with the foresight of pre-planning and time management you can cut down your stress levels. Slim escorts agree that exercise or a more active day-to-day life can not only help with your health and fitness but also with your general well being. Exercise energises you, giving you more stamina and vigor, in turn, reducing your stress levels. Something to consider when taking on your new pre-planned routine is fitting in early-morning exercise. It may mean getting up a little earlier, but a work-out at the crack of dawn will kick start your metabolism and keep your energy levels up for the rest of the day. A workout session doesn’t have to be particularly lengthy to see the benefits either. Raising your intensity levels resulting in a quicker heart rate in a half an hour bout is just as effective. Steady exercise over a longer period of time may be enjoyable but condense that down into a 20-30 minute stints and the high-intensity interval training is considerably more beneficial.

Family visits can stunt a routine that you have put in place, so if you can’t find the time nor opportunity to do your solitary session then get them on board. A winter walk can cause the heart and body to work at an accelerated rate in the cold air. Christmas escorts love ice skating and there are plenty of rinks dotted around the city. One of the most popular choices with Hyde Park escorts is situated at Winter Wonderland, Hyde Park. Seasonal activities like this are great because family and friends of all ages will be keen to get involved. We can all get a bit lazy when we have visitors. It’s all too tempting to dig out the large tin of chocolates and pop on a festive flick to while away the hours. Why not head for the outdoors? Wrap up warm and avoid just slumping on the sofa. If it is a bit too nippy for you outside, then there is always a game of Twister to entertain you. Although if you are considering a little gentle exercise after-dinner then you may want to pop an alka seltzer.

Nutritionists and our lovely London escorts recommend that you select your food more carefully. It may sound slightly Scrooge-like for us to forbid you your Christmas treats, but choosing healthier nibbles is more preferred throughout the season and in general. Ask yourself, do you really want that brandy butter with your Christmas pudding, or are you just having it because it is there? Overindulging at Christmas is incredibly common. It isn’t just food either, knowing your alcohol limits is just as important. Don’t feel obliged to eat or drink more than you would normally. There is nothing wrong with turning down a top up of wine. Intersperse your tipples with plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Just because it is the season to be jolly, doesn’t mean we can throw away our usual patterns, does it? Cramming in as many treats in the space of the season is not particularly healthy. Have some self-control. Neither limit nor over-indulge. A balance between understanding the foods we eat and a moderate amount of exercise is perfectly acceptable. It’s up to you if you want to continue with your exercise routine or ditch it all together. If you aren’t an exerciser already then you may just want to spend your festive period watching films, eating mince pies and slobbing out. After all, that’s what new year’s resolutions are there for!